Saturday, June 23, 2012

Paris- Belgium

I have now made it through Paris and on to Belgium!! Paris was beautiful but I did not sleep well and kept myself busy with lots to see so I was very glad to sleep in this morning and have a relaxing day in Belgium!! I landed in paris tuesday morning, after only sleeping for about 2 hours on the plane. I figured out what train to take then tried to walk to my hostel but SURPRISE no map so I had no idea where I was going so I got a taxi. Then my room was not open until 3 so I wandered around and found the notre dame cathedral and had a chocolate crepe. Day 2 I started early and went to the louvre. I saw the Mona lisa, Venus de milo and lots of other great art. Mya favorite part was probably medieval louvre. They have excavated parts of the louvre from the 15th century andnyoiu can walk along paths. It was really cool!! Then I saw the eiffel tower and the arc de triumph. Finally I had dinner with Stephane ( who studied abroad at st. Mary's my senior year). We ate a baguette with cheese and ham sitting on the siene. I felt very european! I also really liked the new way they are giving guided tours with the you guide speaking into a microphone and all of the people in the tour have headphones. One frustrating thing has been my inability to speak French (but luckily a everyone speaks English) and the people who try to get money on the streets. An organization of the deaf come around and ask for money and people drop a gold ring and then ask you if it is yours. This happened to me 4 times in a row!! The next day I went to the museum orangie (spelling? I've already forgotten) where there is some great works by Monet, Picasso, renoir and other great French artists. It was the wierdest weather day it would be sunny then in 2 minutes pouring down rain then sunny again. I got a ticket to a boat that goes up and down th siene and you can hop on and off for 12 euros. I tried to get lunch at a "famous" bistro but I was too late so I sat at another outdoor cafe. Then I walked around with plans to go to musee orsey later for their late night hours, only to learn they were closed early that Thursday :(. A bit disappointing. My last day I walked around Montmartre where moulin rouge is. Hit was great to see a different part of the city!! Then I sat at the train station for 1 1/2 hours to get a ticket to come and see Leen!! She has taken very good care of me, and today they took me to a museum, of flounders fields, about WWI. They have a new technology you get a bracelet and you can scans it at Exhibits and get information in your language. It was pretty cool!! We had ice cream with friends of theirs at their house later and tonight leen's sister comes over for dinner! It is so nice to be with friends and to relax!!


  1. Glad you saw Paris. I took the bateaux on the Seine before you were born. Took the guided tour to see Paris from the River. My memory was the English translation wasn't very good and I didn't understand French well enough to catch all the commentary.

  2. yay!! So glad to hear that you're having fun! Paris sounds like a lot of fun. Can't wait to read more :)
